Steve Albrecht Apps

Army Fitness Tools w/Ads 1.0.5
Looking for APFT and Bodyfat Calculatorswiththe ability to save and edit records? Look no further. ArmyFitnessTools allows you to calculate APFT scores, calculatebodyfatpercentage, as well as the ability to save, edit, anddeleterecords. This app provides you with everything you need totrackyour Soldiers' physical fitness. It allows you to easily viewyourSoldiers' apft score, bodyfat percentage and the most currentdatefor each. This app also has a setting to determine if an APFTisout of date according to Active Duty or National Guard standards.Looking for an ad free version? Checkout
Army Fitness Tools 1.0.4
Steve Albrecht
Looking for APFT and Bodyfat Calculatorswiththe ability to save and edit records? Look no further. ArmyFitnessTools allows you to calculate APFT scores, calculatebodyfatpercentage, as well as the ability to save, edit, anddeleterecords. This app provides you with everything you need totrackyour Soldiers' physical fitness. It allows you to easily viewyourSoldiers' apft score, bodyfat percentage and the most currentdatefor each. This app also has a setting to determine if an APFTisout of date according to Active Duty or NationalGuardstandards.